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Talent coaching programme

What’s on your talent agenda? We all know that your top talent is a vital source of competitive advantage. Every company has their top talent. Having nurtured and invested in them, they are identified for their potential value to the company and likely are being prepared for a more senior role but could you get more from the majority of your employees?

Every employee should be to a greater extent an asset to the company’s succession plan and future growth. This only happens but if they are readying themselves for the future role – so are we setting them up to ‘thrive’ in the conditions of the new role? Are we building character to deal with the increasing demands, expectations and challenges that they will face?

This engaging program will challenge your top talent and your potential talent to ‘to increase their capacity’. It will help them achieve their maximum potential and enhance leadership skill in their current role, start from where they are.

From there, begin launching them to new dimensions of the behaviours, mind-set and skills associated with more senior roles within the business. Setting this firm expectation and long sited vision, creates aspiration and clearly aids potential succession planning within the business.

The program can be tweaked to deliver against your specific KPI’s. This is an example of what this motivational Program looks like

Intervention 1 – True leaders create more leaders (1 day intervention)

  • What great looks like in Leadership – where are you right now?
  • Leadership core fundamentals
  • Contracting with your people
  • Offering feedback to others
  • The essential coaching toolkit
  • Self-awareness – be yourself better (Leading Energy profiling tool)
  • The Neuroscience of Leadership – awakening the ‘thinking brain’

Intervention 2 – Engage upwards / finding cheerleaders (1 day intervention)

  • What do others expect from you?
  • How to successfully seek and utilise feedback
  • Creating a bespoke feedback tool
  • Selecting the right audience
  • Analysing the results
  • Actioning feedback
  • Action requirements prior to intervention 3
  • Immediately following this intervention, delegates will be carrying out a feedback exercise – bringing the results and their analysis into intervention 3 the ‘coaching day’.

Intervention 3 – Coaching day (1 day intervention) Following feedback exercise from intervention 2

  • Purposeful, specific and focused coaching sessions with delegates on the programme
  • Purposeful, specific and focused coaching sessions with delegates on the programme
  • Coaching sessions to be conducted in 1-day by The Coaching Encour (timescale dependant on numbers)
  • Discussing findings and results
  • Coaching delegates to interpret the messages and prioritise their action plan

Intervention 4 – Look and act the part (1 day intervention)

  • The behaviour and skill set of senior leaders
  • The importance of presence and being heard
  • The art of articulation – brevity of message
  • How to be memorable – making a lasting impression
  • How to build your profile
  • Programme performance against objectives and expectations
  • What happens next – ongoing accountability/development

Get in touch with The Coaching Encour to talk through your agenda for your top talent and establish how he can help on +44 7930 482771 or click on the email to contact The Coaching Encour directly.