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Rumbi was very attentive. She was able to go back to previous discussions without asking the same questions. It was a very relaxing and comfortable coaching session.
Client 1 Session 1

I felt that Rumbi’s questioning allowed and pushed me to think deeper into my thought processes and why I want/don’t want certain things.
Client 3 Session 3

CR helped me to stream line my thoughts, which in turn helped me to outline what was important to me, areas where I’m just shying away from doing the work I need to do to reach certain targets and put in place tasks to complete.
Client 3 Session 4

The session was constructed well, from the start you listened to me explaining a situation that I was involved in. Within those few minutes I was able to experience a level of understanding coupled with the agenda for the meeting.
Client 4 Session 3

The approach delivered in the coaching session on Thursday was well maintained/managed towards my needs. This enabled me to significantly asked myself what I want from the coaching session and my application to what had been discussed in order to put into practice
My experience with the coaching session highlighted behavioural issues/situation that has formed a language on how I portrayed myself in situations /speech.

Client 4 Session 4

Coaching with CR has been incredibly helpful and almost like a reality check as she asks the right questions – that I sometimes have never thought to ask myself.
Client 6 Session 3

Rumbi establishes an initial connection with the client by clearly outlining expectations and goals for the session. Patiently, through conversational questioning and careful listening, she begins to narrow down to the core issues.
Client 7 Session 1

In our follow up session, Rumbi began with questions around how I had progressed during the gap we had. Following my feedback, she shared a recap which was a thorough reminder of what we had covered and helped me to remember areas I had wanted to change.
Client 7 Session 2

Good day Coach Rumbi, thank you so much for taking the time to coach me! The session was very insightful, I left feeling lighter (relieved) and challenged to be a better me.
Client AN1 Session 1

Positive – Probing and identification of areas of improvement.
Client PK1 Session 2